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MultiCS r100-rc53 Public Insider - Broken Arrow - MEGAcACHE - Version: xDecrypt

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Old 01-01-2025, 11:25 PM   #1
Varsayýlan MultiCS r100-rc53 Public Insider - Broken Arrow - MEGAcACHE - Version: xDecrypt

MultiCS r100-rc53 Public Insider - Broken Arrow - MEGAcACHE - Version: xDecrypt

------- added support for oscam AIO , for this add to CS378X SERVER: ...... { cacheex_mode=2; cacheex_aio=1; } --------
------- improved bad dcw management and added BadDCW page for better easiest debug --------
------- for actiovation of this page use option: HTTP BADDCW: YES --------
------- if you want disable cacheex messages as there are many lines, you can use option --------
------- BAD_DCW_CS378X_DEBUG ACTIVE: NO --------
------- there is also possible log to file with option -l example: /usr/local/bin/multics -l -b -c /config_path/config.cfg --------
------- added option: AUTOREMOVE_LOG_FILES_ABOVE_10M ACTIVE: YES to remove log files above 10 MB --------
------- it removes files: /var/tmp/multics.log and /var/tmp/multics.baddcw_log --------
------- added to Profiles page BadDCW column, to see bad dcw count identified for profile --------
------- added option: ECM_ALIVETIME VALUE: 35000 to config , set values between 17000 - 35000 --------
------- added some system info on Home page --------
------- if you want clean dcw's, for example for caid 1810, keep following rules: --------
------- don't use more instances of multics on one server and don't reconnect them among with --------
------- cache and cacheex and lines, if you needed more instances, always use as source --------
------- oscam cacheex mode 2 or oscams with local cards, each multics connect spearatelly to --------
------- external caches and cacheex and if needed to this source oscam --------
------- use oscam AIO only if you have under it local cards --------
------- for cacheex mode 2 without local cards, use standard oscam and not set there CW Cycle for requested caid --------
------- there is some issue in cacheex mode sending anyway bad dcw, or generating them --------
------- this import to multics as configs examples --------
------- for r100 always keep configs structure as in examples or in one multics.cfg file !!! --------
------- for investigation of requested caid (1810) use newcamd connection to multics from --------
------- watching oscam, set there Cw Cycle only to LOG - only in this oscam !!! --------
------- and set loglines in first page of oscam to 1024 - 9999 to investigate it for about 3 hours lines --------
------- or use log to file --------
------- under Live Log set on Show Settings values BAD, LOG , NOK to red color --------
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