New Version r82-hellboy-V56
- [ENH] added search and replace functionalities to editor
- [ENH] added Total NewCamd Clients and Total Rules in Failban to Info on Homepage
- [ENH] added last modify DateTime and since day:hour:minutes:seconds live counter on Editor Page
- [ENH] added of missing sort functionality on used profiles
- [ENH] added server cacheex cache mouseover label info, as new parameter { label=xxx } # max lenght 64
- [ENH] hostresolver changed to prevent memleaks
- [FIX] little memleak (not the hostresolver) found and fixed
- [ENH] added and fixed radegast client now you can use R lines with oscam Note: recommended only for internal use (LAN)
- [FIX] buffer overflow found and fixed
- [FIX] CS378X protocol lines fixed
- [FIX] iptables Remove all the rules starting from one point was fixed
- [ENH] by user break and or sigfault of HB process will be close the connections with servers and users
- [FIX] if the new hostresolver fail, then the old one will take place
- [FIX] servers with old kernel could not read and calculate the CPU Usage Average: on home page, so removed only on older kernels
## r82-hellboy-V57 ( RUN HB56 )
- [FIX] fixed overlay window for new version info
- [FIX] hostname resolver
- [CLN] remove RADEGAST and TELNET modules for security reasons